Pass Fail

Registration for Grades of Pass-Fail for Undergraduates

Undergraduate students in some programs may register to take certain courses on a pass-fail basis. In such cases, a mark of “P” (passed) or a grade of “F” (failed) will be recorded. The grade will remain either “P” or “F” and may not be changed at a later date.

Students in the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, the Fay Jones School of Architecture, and the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences are eligible to enroll for certain courses on a pass-fail basis under the following conditions:

  1. Students should contact the instructor teaching that class and request permission to enroll for a pass-fail grade. Instructors may deny this request when it is not consistent with course goals or methods (e.g., if there is significant group work or other types of collaboration by students). If the instructor approves, students should then seek approval from their adviser. (Students in Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences must also have the approval of their academic dean.)
  2. That the student has attained sophomore rank or higher.
  3. That the student is not on academic probation and has achieved a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.00.
  4. That such enrollment is limited to one course per semester.
  5. That the total enrollment on a pass-fail basis be limited to no more than 18 hours in any student’s degree program.
  6. That the courses involved are general electives and are not required as part of the student’s program, including major, minor, concentration, etc., or State Minimum Core requirements.  Courses being used to fulfill any specific program requirement or to complete a State Minimum Core requirement are excluded from the pass/fail grading option and must be taken as a regularly graded course.  
  7. Registration for pass-fail credit must be completed prior to the final date for changing registration by adding a course.

Instructors can submit only a “P” or “F” grade on the final grade roster for a student approved for the pass-fail option. In order to receive a “P” the student must earn a grade of “C-minus” or above in the course. The “P” mark will not be counted in grade point average but will increment hours earned; the “F” grade will be counted in the grade point average.

Students in the College of Education and Health Professions may enroll in courses on a pass-fail basis under the same conditions but only in courses offered by the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences or the College of Education and Health Professions. Walton College of Business and College of Engineering students may not take courses on a pass-fail basis.