Swahili (SWAH)


SWAH 10103. Elementary Swahili I. 3 Hours.

Stresses correct pronunciation, aural comprehension, simple speaking ability, and leads to mastery of basic grammar and limited reading ability. (Typically offered: Irregular)

SWAH 10203. Elementary Swahili II. 3 Hours.

Continues to stress correct pronunciation, aural comprehension, and speaking ability and continues to build mastery of basic grammar and limited reading ability. Prerequisite: SWAH 10103 (Typically offered: Irregular)

SWAH 20103. Intermediate Swahili I. 3 Hours.

Leads to greater facility in spoken language and develops more advanced reading and writing skills. Prerequisite: SWAH 10103 and SWAH 10203. (Typically offered: Irregular)

SWAH 20203. Intermediate Swahili II. 3 Hours.

Leads to greater facility in spoken language and develops more advanced reading and writing skills. Prerequisite: SWAH 10103, SWAH 10203 and SWAH 20103. (Typically offered: Irregular)