Graphic Design (GDES)


GDES 23103. Design Tools and Concepts. 3 Hours.

Introduces Graphic Design students to design concepts with a concentration on professional industry tools. Emphasizes development of visual problem solving while creating well-crafted solutions. Prerequisite: ARTS 19139 and ARTS 19239. (Typically offered: Fall)

GDES 33103. Typographic Systems 1. 3 Hours.

Examination of letterform construction, including anatomy and architecture. Analysis through a historical lens, exploring technological and cultural contexts. Typographic nuance and connotation. Introduction of the grid as a means to understand layout and organize typography. Prerequisite: ARTS 19139 and ARTS 19239 and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design majors only. (Typically offered: Fall)

GDES 33203. Typographic Systems 2. 3 Hours.

Will introduce the complexity of adding imagery, both photographic and illustrative, into typographic layout. Management of hierarchy in a more advanced way through grid usage. Artifacts will span print to web, exploring how typography must always adapt to new contexts and audiences. Prerequisite: GDES 23103 and GDES 33103 and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design majors only. (Typically offered: Spring)

GDES 33803. User Experience. 3 Hours.

Prepare students to design with usability and function at the forefront of their decision making. Personas, user scenarios and research to guide the design process. Exploration of the field of information architecture in order to clearly structure information and experience. Introduction to HTML, CSS, and other interactive languages. Prerequisite: GDES 23103, GDES 33103 and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design majors only. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

GDES 33903. Identity Systems 1. 3 Hours.

Beginning identity design course, focusing on theory and application of semiotics, through creation of icon sets and small scale applications. Emphasis placed on connotation, creating messaging and formal development. Prerequisite: GDES 33203 and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design majors only. (Typically offered: Fall)

GDES 43003. Professional Development and Seminar. 3 Hours.

Preparation of students for professional practice and job seeking. Development of online and print portfolio and other collateral. Contemporary design practice through discussions, reading, writing, guest speakers and studio visits. Emphasis on assisting each student in preparing for their unique future. Prerequisite: GDES 33803 and GDES 33903 and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design majors only. (Typically offered: Spring)

GDES 43103. Interactive Language. 3 Hours.

Advanced course utilizing interactive languages to create responsive experiences for the web, touch screens. Exploration of the intersection of linear and non-linear design experiences in the application of motion to web. Prerequisite: GDES 33203 and GDES 33803 and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design majors only. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

GDES 43203. Technology in Context. 3 Hours.

Advanced course focusing on speculative explorations in the world of interaction design. Much of the work will be touch and gesture based and dealing with the built environment. Application of knowledge about proper workflow and execution in an advanced way. Prerequisite: GDES 43003 and GDES 43103 and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design majors only. (Typically offered: Fall)

GDES 43303. Special Topics in Graphic Design. 3 Hours.

Topics dealing with trends, movements, and new elements within the design field, such as entrepreneurship, diversity, sustainability, critical issues, and data. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 12 hours of degree credit.

GDES 43403. Identity Systems 2. 3 Hours.

Advanced identity design course emphasizing creating cohesive messaging systems that cover a wide range of media. Creation of identity systems that are based on research and appropriate to content, context and audience. Media may span environmental, motion, print, web and packaging. Prerequisite: GDES 33903 and GDES 43103 and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design majors only. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

GDES 43503. Human-Centered Design. 3 Hours.

Research-based studio introducing design methods that focus on an audience centric process. Exposure to communication theory, modes of persuasion, sustainability, how to design for niche audiences. Prerequisite: GDES 43003 and GDES 43103 and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design majors only. (Typically offered: Fall)

GDES 43603. Design for Complexity. 3 Hours.

Providing opportunity to address problems existing outside of the classroom with the focus shifting between design for good initiatives. Collaboration, research, problem seeking and solving will be addressed. Prerequisite: GDES 43203, GDES 43403, GDES 43503, and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design majors only. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

GDES 43703. Typographic Systems 3. 3 Hours.

Culminating typography course, exploration of typography at an advanced level through a variety of projects. Projects may range from type design to type in motion to complex publication design. Exhibition of the utmost professional ideation, process, execution and craft expected. Prerequisite: GDES 43003, GDES 43403, and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design majors only. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

GDES 43803. Degree Project. 3 Hours.

Capstone course requiring completion of a self-directed project through in-depth research, writing and making, offering an opportunity to specialize prior to entering the job market. Prerequisite: GDES 43203, GDES 43403, GDES 43503, and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design majors only. (Typically offered: Spring)

GDES 438H3. Honors Degree Project. 3 Hours.

Capstone course requiring completion of a self-directed project through in-depth research, writing and making, offering an opportunity to specialize prior to entering the job market. Prerequisite: Honors standing, GDES 43203, GDES 43403, GDES 43503, and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design majors only. (Typically offered: Spring)
This course is equivalent to GDES 43803.

GDES 4390V. Special Problems in Graphic Design. 1-6 Hour.

Advanced individual projects in graphic design. Prerequisite: Any 4000 level GDES visual design course except GDES 43403. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit.

GDES 490HV. Honors Thesis in Graphic Design. 1-6 Hour.

Thesis hours for honors students completing an honors thesis. Prerequisite: Honors standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

GDES 4940V. Graphic Design Internship. 1-6 Hour.

Credit for practical experience gained through internship in graphic design. Report required form intern and field supervisor on progress and significant accomplishments. 3 credit hours per semester. Prerequisite: Any 4000 level GDES visual design course except GDES 43403. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer) May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit.

GDES 53003. Design Pedagogy and Leadership. 3 Hours.

Explores the history and application of pedagogy related to careers in academia and professional practice. Focuses on methodologies for teaching, assessment, and curriculum writing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

GDES 53103. Interactive Language. 3 Hours.

Advanced course utilizing interactive languages to create responsive experiences for the web, touch screens. Exploration of the intersection of linear and non-linear design experiences in the application of motion to web. Graduate degree credit will not be given for both GDES 43103 and GDES 53103. (Typically offered: Spring)

GDES 53203. Technology in Context. 3 Hours.

Advanced course focusing on speculative explorations in the world of interaction design. Much of the work will be touch and gesture based and dealing with the built environment. Application of knowledge about proper workflow and execution in an advanced way. Graduate degree credit will not be given for both GDES 43203 and GDES 53203. Prerequisite: GDES 43003 and GDES 43103 or GDES 53103 (formerly GDES 43103). (Typically offered: Fall)

GDES 53303. Design Research Methods. 3 Hours.

Examines research methods from other disciplines to apply those methods to contemporary design practice, focusing on the means of collecting information throughout the creative process, and incorporating the roles of visual research, including imaging, modeling, prototyping, and diagramming. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

GDES 53403. Identity Systems. 3 Hours.

Advanced identity design course emphasizing creating cohesive messaging systems that cover a wide range of media. Creation of identity systems that are based on research and appropriate to content, context and audience. Media may span environmental, motion, print, web and packaging. Graduate degree credit will not be given for both GDES 43403 and GDES 53403. Prerequisite: GDES 43003 and (GDES 43103 or GDES 53103). (Typically offered: Fall)

GDES 53503. Human-Centered Design. 3 Hours.

Research-based studio introducing design methods that focus on an audience centric process. Exposure to communication theory, modes of persuasion, sustainability, how to design for niche audiences. Graduate degree credit will not be given for both GDES 43503 and GDES 53503. Prerequisite: GDES 43003 and GDES 43103. (Typically offered: Fall)

GDES 53603. Design Co-op. 3 Hours.

Collaboration with an organization, or design firm, providing opportunity to address problems existing outside of the classroom with the focus shifting between design for good initiatives. Collaboration, research, problem seeking and solving will be addressed. Graduate degree credit will not be given for both GDES 43603 and GDES 53603. Prerequisite: GDES 53203, GDES 53403, and GDES 53503. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

GDES 53703. Typographic Systems III. 3 Hours.

Culminating typography course, exploration of typography at an advanced level through a variety of projects. Projects may range from type design to type in motion to complex publication design. Exhibition of the utmost professional ideation, process, execution and craft expected. Graduate degree credit will not be given for both GDES 43703 and GDES 53703. Prerequisite: GDES 53203, GDES 53403, and GDES 53503. (Typically offered: Spring)

GDES 53803. Design Writing and Dissemination. 3 Hours.

Explores diverse modes of writing in design, including reviews and the peer-review process, journal articles and abstracts, books, popular culture, grant and funding applications, thesis writing, and other mediums. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

GDES 53903. Design Theory: Past, Present, and the Future. 3 Hours.

Explores design theory that is both discipline-specific and interdisciplinary. Examines the application of theory and frameworks within the context of design, including the history of design theory as well as contemporary and future practices. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

GDES 5940V. Graphic Design Internship. 1-6 Hour.

Credit for practical experience gained through internship in graphic design. Report required form intern and field supervisor on progress and significant accomplishments. 3 credit hours per semester. Graduate degree credit will not be given for both GDES 4940V and GDES 5940V. Prerequisite: Any 4000 level GDES visual design course except GDES 43403. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer) May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit.

GDES 63006. Design and Communities. 6 Hours.

Community-based design research focusing primarily on people and users, covering topics related to "wicked problems" and complexity in design that require a system-level approach. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

GDES 63106. Design and Technology. 6 Hours.

Explores emerging technologies through the lens of what is plausible, possible, and preferable in the future of design. Examines topics related to data, policy, and the future of making while also considering interdisciplinary approaches and potential design outcomes. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

GDES 6320V. Graduate Design. 1-6 Hour.

Individual problems in two and three dimensional design. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for degree credit.

GDES 63406. Design and Culture. 6 Hours.

Examines the culture of the design discipline to further provoke the confines of the discipline, and understand the ways in which practitioners are accountable for design outcomes through interdisciplinary approaches. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

GDES 63503. Special Topics in Communication Design. 3 Hours.

Topics dealing with trends, movements, and new elements within the design field, such as entrepreneurship, diversity, sustainability, critical issues, and data. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 12 hours of degree credit.

GDES 63606. Thesis Preparation. 6 Hours.

Develops a written thesis project proposal that demonstrates a viable project with a clear research direction. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

GDES 63909. Design Thesis. 9 Hours.

Students will complete a thesis project that includes a designed system, written research paper, and public presentation. The thesis project should demonstrate the ability to tackle significant design and research challenges. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)